Congrats on taking action...

Check your email in the next 5 minutes for the link
 to download your copy of the
LinkedIn Profile Scorecard

Consider this as you work through the LinkedIn Profile Scorecard...

How Many Leads and Opportunities are Silently Slipping Away Because Your LinkedIn Profile is a "Dead Fish"?

Let's face facts.

The prospecting game has changed thanks to the Internet.

Whenever a potential client first learns about you...

From an outreach email or phone call, a drop-in visit, as a result of meeting at a networking event, or your name is mentioned as a referral...

90% of the time, the first thing this potential client is going to do is check you out online.

They're gonna Google you.

And typically your LinkedIn Profile is going to be one of the top results.

When this potential client clicks over to your LinkedIn Profile...

You have  3 Seconds to make a great, positive first impression.

Is your first impression professional, positive, and confident?

Or is it weak and limp...

A "Dead Fish" Handshake of a Profile?

So the BIG question is this:

How many potential clients are silently slipping away because you greeted them with a "Dead Fish" LinkedIn Profile?

❎ Referrals that you never even hear about?

❎ Phone calls and emails that get zero response after over a dozen attempts?

❎ Positive drop-in or networking face-to-face meetings that just fizzle out and go nowhere?

What if it's not your prospecting effort and approach...

But your "Dead Fish" LinkedIn Profile that's sabotaging your success?

The LinkedIn Profile Scorecard is going to open your eyes to the effectiveness of your Profile.

But you'll no doubt still have questions about how to put all the pieces of your LinkedIn Profile together so it's a focused and clearly positions you professionally and confidently.

I specialize in helping Commercial Insurance and Risk Advisors to position themselves as experts in their Target Market to Land More and Better Clients.

Typically the first place to start your Expert Positioning is to get your LinkedIn Profile completely dialed in.

If you're open to a new way to improve your prospecting efforts and position yourself INSTANTLY as the "Go-To" Risk Advisor in your market, perhaps it makes sense to invest 30 minutes of your time to make sure you're not missing potential client opportunities?

Your next step?

Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation 30-Minute LinkedIn Profile Diagnostic Session with me.

Click Here to Schedule Your
LinkedIn Profile Diagnostic Today

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