Special Done-For-You Service Exclusively for
Growth-Focused Commercial Insurance and Risk Advisors

Are You Experiencing Any of These In Your Efforts

to Fill Your Pipeline

with Qualified Leads....

  • You feel that your LinkedIn Profile doesn't position you as the specialist, the "Go-To" Advisor in your market...
  • You've heard about the value and importance of keywords on LinkedIn, but don't know where to put them on your Profile to show up in search.
  • It seems that cold calling, referrals, and networking aren't working as well as they used to... and you KNOW you need to add some sort of online presence to support these prospecting approaches.
  • You're just not sure about the content, tone, and expert positioning of your Profile.
  • Your Profile reads more like a Bio or Resume... but you're not looking for a job. You want Leads!
  • You KNOW your Profile fails the 7 Second Snapshot test... and potential clients are slipping through your fingers every day.
  • You're busy... and would rather focus on what you do best- and hire me to do what I do best!

The Perfect Solution for Busy Commercial Insurance and Risk Advisors:

Profile Playbook 
LinkedIn Profile Done For You Service

Here's How We'll Work Together to Position Your Profile 
to Attract "Perfect Fit" Potential Clients

1. Profile Positioning

We'll get on the phone or a Zoom Video Conference for 60 minutes...

During this session we'll dig into and identify your Target Markets and nail down your Value Message Positioning for your Profile.

I'll ask you to fill out a quick form. Then I get to work, writing the content of your entire Profile, (see below for what this includes) and deliver this draft to you in a Google Doc or Word

2. Profile Tweaks

After you review the first draft of your Profile content...we'll hop on the phone or a Zoom video conference to discuss any changes you have.

3. Profile Upload and Keyword/Call To Action Optimize

You give me temporary access to your LinkedIn account... I'll upload the Content, add the keyword text in the right areas of your Profile, and make sure your Account, Privacy, and Contact settings are correct. 

Plus, I'll add Call to Action prompts in the right areas of your Profile to encourage interested prospects to take the next step in your sales process.

4. Profile Visual Elements

Your LinkedIn Profile is a Mini-Online Sales Page...So we want to make sure it has some visual pop and interest that fits your Personal Professional Brand Positioning. 

I'll customize your Header/Background Image and add selected media file images- PDFs, Videos, Images that highlight your Personal Brand.

5. Your Profile In Prospecting and Lead Generation Action

We'll wrap up with a 45-Minute Take Action Phone/Zoom Session...We'll review your Profile Prospecting Playbook on strategies and actions to take to get the most out of your New LinkedIn Profile

Your New Power-Positioned LinkedIn Profile Will Include:

1. Compelling Headline

One of the most important parts of your LinkedIn Profile... I'll craft a Headline that stands out and calls out your "Perfect Fit" Prospects, letting them know how you can help them.

2. Client-Focused Summary

Your unique story and difference... explains WHO you work with, WHAT you do, and HOW your services are different and deliver Results.

3. Optimized Contact, Account, and Privacy Settings

You want to make it simple and easy for potential clients... to find you, get more information, and contact you. You also want to control what prospects (and your competition) see on your Profile

4. Updated Current and Past Experience

Up to 5 Positions... Updated, client-focused, and keyword optimized, with special attention to your current position. 

5. Updated Skills Section

Highlight your Top Skills...  so it's easy for prospects to find you based on your most important skills.

6. Add Applicable Additional Sections

Round out and add Professional Depth to your Profile... Publications: Articles, In-Depth Posts, Special Reports, or Books you've written, Presentations, Webinars, Podcasts or Interview. Professional Designations and Certifications. Honors &Awards. Special Projects. Volunteer Experience.

7. Two-Three Keyword Focus

Throughout your Profile... I'll weave in naturally and focus on two-three keyword phrases to help you get found in LinkedIn search.

8. Call-To-Action Prompts

Clear and Simple... Make it easy to encourage interested prospects to take the next step- call you, schedule a phone call or meeting, download a free report etc.

8. Visual Personal Branding

Customized LinkedIn Background Image... to instantly reflect your personal brand positioning.


Written Customized Profile Playbook- Your personal prospecting strategy and action guide to generating a constant flow of high-quality leads using LinkedIn... and how to use LinkedIn to make all your prospecting effects more effective. Value: $500

15-Minute Prospecting Challenge and LinkedIn Resource Toolkit- Personalized Connection and Follow-Up Messaging Scripts, Daily Action Guide and Tracking Spreadsheet. Value: $250

4 LinkedIn Target Market Text Posts- I'll write 4 customized LinkedIn text posts geared towards your Target Market. You'll be amazed at the increased views and engagement you'll get on these posts, and how they instantly position you as the authority in your market. Value: $1000

Matt Smyth

Assistant Vice President/Commercial Insurance Advisor- NFP- San Diego

"Walt helped me to transform my LinkedIn Profile and positioning. Now, I'm positioned to attract and confidently reach out to top prospects in my Target Market.

The series of target market text posts he wrote got 5 times the views and engagement than my previous LinkedIn Posts. Plus, as an ex Commercial Insurance Producer, he offers practical and effective prospecting advice and wisdom that's invaluable."

Matt Smyth- LinkedIn

Your Investment for Profile Playbook:


*Note: Only very limited slots are available for the Profile Playbook Done For You Service.. Grab your spot today to make sure you don’t miss out!

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